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74,000 Families Boosting SNAP Benefits and Free School Meals – Maryland Lawmakers Proposing!

Maryland Lawmakers Pursue Initiatives to Combat Child Hunger

Proposed Bills Aim to Alleviate Hunger Among Youth of Maryland

According to the Baltimore Sun, Maryland lawmakers are working on plans to help hungry children. One proposal Senate Bill 35/House Bill 666 wants to increase the minimum amount of money families get from SNAP. This could help around 74,000 households by raising the monthly allowance from $23 to $95. Another proposal Senate Bill 579/House Bill 696 aims to make school meals free for all kids in the state.

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74,000 Families Boosting SNAP Benefits and Free School Meals – Maryland Lawmakers Proposing! (PHOTO: Maryland Food Bank)

Debates and Doubts Surround Legislative Efforts to Address Child Hunger in Maryland

Although these ideas have support from some Maryland lawmakers and supporters, there are doubts about whether they’ll pass. This is because there are talks about changing or reducing the plans. The end of emergency pandemic benefits has made things harder for families and older adults who rely on them. Advocates say it’s really important to fix this problem because not having enough food can hurt kids’ health and ability to learn. Even though there are money issues and debates about where to spend it Maryland lawmakers are trying to figure out the best way to help hungry people in Maryland especially kids who need it the most.

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