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Parents Found Guilty: Parental Negligence of Shooting in Michigan School Need for Mental Health Support and Gun Safety

Parental Responsibility Under Scrutiny

Community Seeks Healing

According to NTD in a big legal case that has caught everyone’s attention, James Crumbley father of the Michigan school shooter was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. This means parental negligence shares responsibility with his wife, Jennifer Crumbley for what happened at Oxford High School in 2021 where four students died. Even though he didn’t directly shoot anyone the jury decided that the parental negligence for not locking up their gun at home and parental negligence in ignoring their son’s mental health issues played a part in the terrible outcome.

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(PHOTO: ABC News)Parents Found Guilty: Parental Negligence of Shooting in Michigan School Need for Mental Health Support and Gun Safety

Parental Negligence Accountability Highlighted

During the trial lawyers talked a lot about how the Crumbleys‘ parental negligence reacted when they saw signs of their son’s mental struggles like a scary drawing he made for school. Instead of taking action they let him stay at school which ended in tragedy. The defense argued that Mr. Crumbley didn’t know his son had access to the gun or what he planned to do with it but the jury’s decision shows that parents have a big responsibility to keep their kids safe. As the Crumbleys wait to find out their punishment the community is still trying to deal with what happened and find comfort after losing loved ones. Now that both parents are guilty of involuntary manslaughter it’s a strong reminder that we need to do more to help people with mental health issues and stop school violence from happening again.

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