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Discover All The Details Of Matthew Perry’s Will Following His Demise

Information regarding Matthew Perry’s will has surfaced more than four months after the cherished Friends actor passed away at the age of 54. The actor’s will specifies that the bulk of his possessions will be deposited in a trust managed by a renowned Hollywood connection. According to the 2009 paperwork Perry drafted, he intended to leave his belongings in the Alvy Singer Living Trust named for Annie Hall star Woody Allen. The trust has designated his mother Suzanne Morrison and father John Perry as beneficiaries. Listed as beneficiaries are Caitlin Morrison, the half-sister, and Rachel Dunn. Perry also specified in his will that his children would not be able to inherit his property. The performer never had children.

Matthew Perry
Matthew Perry; Source- People

Matthew Perry’s Death

In addition to the property that his executors, Lisa Ferguson, and Robin Ruzan, had already placed in a living trust, the petition also shows that Perry possessed over $1 million in personal belongings at the time of his death. Mike Myers’ ex-wife Ruzan served as executive producer of the game program Celebrity Liar, where Perry made an appearance in 2010. At his Los Angeles home on Saturday, October 28, 2023, Perry passed away. According to a Los Angeles Fire Department representative, they responded to a report at 4:07 p.m. citing a medical emergency at that time. After an autopsy, it was discovered that the actor had died from acute ketamine effects. In addition to the effects of buprenorphine, drowning, and coronary artery disease were identified as contributory factors to his unexpected death.

Matthew Perry’s Family

According to Matthew’s will, his parents and five half-siblings were listed as trust beneficiaries five months after he passed away. Less than a year after Matthew’s birth, his parents, John Bennett Perry and Suzanne Morrison, divorced. Afterward, his mother wed Dateline host Keith Morrison, and the two of them had four children. After remarrying Debbie Boyle, Matthew’s father also welcomed a daughter into his family. Matthew always looked up to his actor father when he was growing up in Canada, where his mother raised him. In his memoir Friends, Lovers & The Big Terrible Thing, published in 2022, Matthew also discussed his early years spent with his parents. In his memoir, the actor disclosed that he used phenobarbital during the second month of his existence.

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