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Tragic Twist: Woman’s Arranged Meeting Leads to Murder in Florida

Gruesome Discovery: Florida Authorities Uncover Signs of Strangulation and Gunshot in Wayne Barlow’s Murder

Tragic Twist: Woman’s Arranged Meeting Leads to Murder in Florida (PHOTO: True Crime Daily)

Planned Robbery and Tragic Outcome: Jessica Long and Michael Montgomery Jr. Arrested for Shocking Homicide

According to True Crime Daily, a shocking incident in Ocala, Florida, an arranged meeting leads to murder, Jessica Long and Michael Montgomery Jr. have been arrested for the brutal murder of Wayne Barlow. Barlow’s body was found last year, showing signs of strangulation, beatings, and a fatal gunshot wound to the head. The discovery was made when someone initially thought they had come across a hog. The investigation uncovered a disturbing series of events involving a planned robbery, sexual exploitation, and ultimately the tragic arranged meeting leads to murder of Barlow. Long reportedly arranged to meet Barlow for a sexual encounter with the intention of stealing his car, and Montgomery assisted in the crime. Another suspect, Terrance “Meaty” Barnes was also implicated leading to a violent confrontation, gunfire, and subsequent efforts to clean the crime scene.


Capture and Confession: Arrested Suspects Reveal Details of Arranged Meeting Leads to Murder and Cleanup Efforts in Barlow Murder Case

On June 28, 2023, deputies located Barlow’s stolen vehicle and initiated a pursuit. Both Montgomery and Long were captured with Montgomery attempting to flee and Long found hiding in water. During questioning, Long provided inconsistent statements initially claiming she had permission to borrow the vehicle. However, Montgomery implicated her in a plan to rob Barlow. Montgomery described a violent encounter where Barlow was attacked after realizing the theft plot. Long allegedly instructed Barnes to dispose of the murder weapon, revealing further details about their attempts to clean the crime scene. Both Long and Montgomery are now facing charges of homicide –– murder while engaged in a robbery and are being held without bond in the Marion County Jail.

READ ALSO: Phoenix Canal Discovery: Police Investigate Body As Murder Case

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