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Chang Sounds Alarm: Chinese Infiltration May Include PLA Troops in US

Gordon Chang Raises Alarm Over Chinese Immigration via Southern Border

China Expert: PLA Threat Amid Chinese Migrant Surge at US Border

(PHOTO: Chang Sounds Alarm: Chinese Infiltration May Include PLA Troops in US)

According to Newsmax, Gordon Chang, a China specialist, expressed concerns about Chinese immigrants entering the US via the southern border. Chang raised the possibility of these migrants being part of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) potentially sent by the Chinese Communist Party to harm Americans. Chang pointed to incidents where Chinese migrants were found practicing target shooting shortly after arriving in the US with no identification or funds, raising concerns about possible PLA infiltration. Chang also mentioned a secret Chinese biological weapons lab discovered a year ago in Reedley, California, which contained biologically engineered mice and pathogens like Ebola.

Gordon Chang voiced concerns about the growing number of Chinese nationals entering the United States through the southern border speculating they may be saboteurs or soldiers dispatched by China. According to official reports, encounters with Chinese migrants at the US-Mexico border have witnessed a dramatic surge, escalating by 5,200% from just two years ago reaching over 24,000 in fiscal year 2023. Chang drew attention to specific cases of Chinese migrants particularly groups of young men traveling alone, possibly attempting to conceal their proficiency in English exhibiting a disturbing pattern. He expressed suspicion that these individuals may be linked to the Chinese military or harbor hostile intentions. Chang stresses the importance of increased vigilance in response to the potential threat posed by Chinese nationals leaving China. This concern arises from China’s past actions of using its citizens living in foreign countries as tools for various objectives. Therefore, careful monitoring is necessary to mitigate any potential risks associated with Chinese nationals leaving their country.

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Chang Warns Against Chinese National’s Appointment to San Francisco Elections Commission

Gordon Chang expressed concerns about the appointment of Kelly Wong, a Chinese national, to San Francisco’s Elections Commission. He highlighted her ineligibility to vote in the elections she oversees. Chang also raised spying concerns terkait Wong’s nationality citing China’s National Intelligence Law of 2017 which requires Chinese nationals to engage in spying. He emphasized the Communist Party’s control over all Chinese nationals including those living abroad and cautioned against appointing them to sensitive positions in American governance due to the party’s adversarial relationship with the United States.

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