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Former CBS CEO Leslie Moonves Fined for Ethics Violation in LAPD Leak Case

Former CBS President and CEO Leslie Moonves has been fined over $11,000 for attempting to influence a former Los Angeles police captain to leak confidential information, as revealed by new formerly public city documents. The documents, released by the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission and obtained by KNBC-TV, detail Moonves’ admission to the infraction and his agreement to pay $11,250 for violating the city’s ethics code.

Allegations of Misconduct and Unethical Behavior

The city documents indicate that Moonves sought classified information from former LAPD Capt. Corey Palka regarding the department’s investigation into allegations of sexual assault against Moonves dating back to 1986. In 2022, a woman accused Moonves of sexual assault while she worked for him, prompting investigations into the matter. Palka allegedly met with Moonves in 2017 at a restaurant in Westlake Village, where confidential information was shared during a one-hour discussion.

Former CBS CEO Leslie Moonves Fined for Ethics Violation in LAPD Leak Case
Source: IMDb

Ethics Violation and Settlement

The meeting between Moonves and Palka was found to be unofficial and not part of the LAPD’s official investigation, according to the ethics summary. Moonves’ admission to seeking and receiving confidential information led to an ethics violation, resulting in a substantial fine. This revelation adds to Moonves’ legal troubles, which also include a $30.5 million settlement in a New York case related to insider trading and sexual assault allegations.

Legal and Professional Repercussions

Leslie Moonves faced significant backlash and legal scrutiny following allegations of sexual assault by at least 12 women. In 2018, amidst mounting pressure and controversy, Moonves resigned from his position at CBS. Despite denying the allegations, Moonves’ involvement in unethical behavior and attempts to influence investigations have further tarnished his reputation and professional standing.

Investigative Fallout and LAPD Response

The LAPD initiated an internal investigation into Palka’s involvement and any potential complicity by other officers in leaking confidential information. The revelations prompted public outcry and condemnation, with Los Angeles Police Commission President William Briggs expressing outrage during a police board meeting. Briggs characterized the leaks as emblematic of systemic corruption and cronyism within law enforcement, underscoring the seriousness of the breach of trust and ethical standards.

Former CBS CEO Leslie Moonves Fined for Ethics Violation in LAPD Leak Case
Source: NY Post

Ongoing Scrutiny and Accountability

The case involving Leslie Moonves and the LAPD underscores the importance of upholding ethical standards and accountability in both the corporate and law enforcement sectors. As investigations continue and legal proceedings unfold, stakeholders remain vigilant in ensuring transparency, integrity, and justice. The repercussions of Moonves’ actions serve as a cautionary tale regarding the consequences of unethical conduct and attempts to subvert the rule of law.

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