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Community Outrage and Calls for Justice After Violent Attack on Brooklyn Middle Schooler

In a shocking incident that unfolded at IS 201 in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn, a 13-year-old boy, known only as Brian, was subjected to a brutal assault by a grown man following a confrontation over a basketball game. The violence was so severe that it led to hundreds of concerned parents taking to the streets, demanding action from the local school board.

Child’s Squabble Escalates into an Assault

The troubling episode began when Brian and his friends found themselves in a dispute with two classmates, brothers who were insistent on joining the basketball game. Matters took a dark turn when the brothers decided to involve their family, leading to one of their relatives appearing at the scene. The situation quickly spiraled out of control. Caught on video, the assailant is seen mercilessly punching and kicking Brian, who lay defenseless on the ground. In a disturbing turn of events, a bystander attempted to intervene, but the aggressor continued to assault Brian, even as a young boy joined in, kicking the defenseless victim.

Community Outrage and Calls for Justice After Violent Attack on Brooklyn Middle Schooler
Source: New York Post

Attacker Returns to Boy’s Home with a Group

Two days after the initial assault, the assailant, identified as Hassan Saab, returned to Brian’s home, accompanied by a group armed with baseball bats and spewing anti-Asian slurs. A heated altercation ensued, with objects being wielded and punches exchanged. Police were called to the scene and subsequently arrested Hassan Saab for his involvement in the basketball court assault and the subsequent altercation outside the boy’s home.

Saab was found in possession of a scooter handle and now faces charges of assault, weapon possession, and harassment. In a complex turn of events, Brian’s father was also arrested after Saab alleged that he was struck with a shovel. The father sustained injuries, including a head gash that required six staples.

Community Calls for Justice and Action Outrage and Demands for Charges

The community has united in outrage over the assault on Brian and the subsequent events. They are demanding the harshest possible charges against Hassan Saab and the dropping of the criminal case against Brian’s father, whom they believe acted in self-defense to protect his home. At a rally outside PS 264 in Bay Ridge, around 300 individuals voiced their concerns, denouncing bullying and advocating for justice in response to these harrowing events. Many highlighted a disturbing rise in anti-Asian attacks, calling for the incident to be investigated as a hate crime.

Community Outrage and Calls for Justice After Violent Attack on Brooklyn Middle Schooler
Source: New York Post

Parent leader Yiatin Chu emphasized the importance of standing up and fighting for safety, quality education, and schools that parents can confidently entrust their children to. State Senator Iwen Chu pledged her office’s support to Brian’s family, stressing that children’s safety must never be compromised and that the perpetrators must face the consequences of their actions. As the community rallies for justice, the assailant, Hassan Saab, and his legal representation have yet to comment on the incident.

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