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China on High Alert Following Passage of US and Canadian Ships through Taiwan Strait

China on high alert and military response following the transit of US and Canadian ships through the Taiwan Strait, as well as the ongoing tensions in the region concerning Taiwan’s status and international waterways.

Heightened tensions and alert status in the Taiwan Strait region after two ships, one from the United States and one from Canada, transited through the area, prompting China on high alert. (Photo: Zee5)

China On High Alert as US and Canadian Ships Navigate Taiwan Strait

According to the article of The Defense Post, in response to the recent transit of two ships from the United States and Canada through the Taiwan Strait, China has announced a state of “constant high alert” for its troops.

Senior Colonel Shi Yi, speaking on behalf of the People’s Liberation Army’s Eastern Theatre Command, explained that they had deployed naval and air forces to carefully track the entire journey of these ships, known as “Johnson” from the United States and “Ottawa” from Canada. This action was taken in strict accordance with established laws and regulations.

Colonel Shi emphasized the unwavering readiness of the troops in the area, highlighting China’s strong commitment to safeguarding its national sovereignty, security, and the overall peace and stability of the region.

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Taiwan Strait Passage Heightens Regional Tensions Amidst US and China Relations: China On High Alert

The passage of these two ships through the Taiwan Strait has intensified tensions in the area and places China on high alert. Taiwan constantly faces the looming threat of a potential invasion by China, which asserts the island as part of its territory and doesn’t rule out the use of force to reclaim it, as indicated in the article of Barron’s.

While the United States officially recognizes Beijing over Taipei, it maintains strong unofficial ties with democratic Taiwan and supports the island’s right to determine its own future. To emphasize that both the Taiwan Strait and the disputed South China Sea are international waterways, the United States and its Western allies have increased the frequency of “freedom of navigation” missions by naval vessels.

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