Davidson News

Davidson News

Harnessing the Power of Virtual Power Plants: A Community’s Answer to Climate Challenges

Harnessing the Power of Virtual Power Plants: A Community's Answer to Climate Challenges

Auden Schendler’s home is an unlikely beacon of innovation and resilience in the Colorado mountains. A Personal Solution with a Broader Impact Despite frequent power outages caused by mudslides, fires, and ice storms, Schendler’s home remains unaffected. His secret lies in what he calls the “Dr. Seuss machine” in his garage, which he believes safeguards … Read more

America’s Climate Change Denial: A Social Media Analysis

Despite overwhelming evidence of climate change, nearly 15% of Americans still deny its existence, per a recent national assessment by the University of Michigan. Despite mounting scientific evidence demonstrating the increasing frequency and intensity of climate-related disasters, this denial persists. Analyzing Climate Change Denial on Social Media Researchers turned to social media, specifically Twitter, utilizing … Read more

Dutch Climate Activists Bring Amsterdam Highway to a Standstill, Demand Immediate End to Fossil Fuel Financing

In a bold move for climate action, Dutch climate activists disrupted the flow of a major highway in Amsterdam, demanding an urgent cessation of funding for fossil fuel projects by the prominent lender, ING. The activists, numbering in the hundreds, strategically took over the A10 highway to the south of Amsterdam, highlighting their concerns over … Read more

Urgent Calls for Action in Response to Alarming US Extreme Weather Events Report

A new study, released on November 21 by the US government, confirms that despite efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, extreme weather events linked to climate change are becoming more severe. The report calls for urgent nationwide actions to mitigate potentially devastating consequences. Dangerous Discoveries and an Immediate Call to Action The Fifth National Climate … Read more