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Is Minnesota Really That Worst Place To Live? – Heres Why

Road Snacks Study Identifies Minnesota’s Top 10 Most Challenging Places to Reside

Waite Park Tops List for Property Crimes and Low Incomes in Minnesota’s Worst Places to Live

According to KROC, a recent study by Road Snacks showed the 10 worst places to live in Minnesota. These towns face tough problems like not having enough money and dealing with a lot of crime. Waite Park came in at number one because it has a lot of property crimes and low household incomes, making it a tough place to live.

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Is Minnesota Really That Worst Place To Live? – Heres Why (PHOTO: GOOGLE)

Minnesota’s Worst Places to Live: Economic Hardships and Crime Challenges Plague Residents

  • Brainerd followed as the second worst place. There, people struggle with finding jobs and have the lowest incomes in Minnesota. This makes it hard for residents to get ahead and live comfortably.
  • Red Wing is third on the list. It faces high crime rates and not many economic opportunities. People there have a harder time moving up financially because of lower incomes and expensive housing.
  • Bemidji came in fourth place because it has the highest crime rate for its size in the state. This, along with low incomes and not enough jobs, makes it challenging for people to feel safe and financially secure.

Brooklyn Center: High Crime Rates and Struggling Schools Diminish Livability

Lastly, Brooklyn Center made the top five. Even though the economy is okay, crime rates are high, and schools aren’t doing well. This makes it tough for residents to feel good about living there. Overall, the study shows how tough economic issues and crime can make life difficult in these places.

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