Davidson News

Drying Up Illinois: Will $30 Water Crisis Leave Residents High and Dry?

Water Crisis in Illinois: Prices May Rise by $30 a Month Why the Price Hikes? According to TheCenterSquare, A big problem is coming for people who live in Illinois. Two big water companies, Aqua Illinois and Illinois American Water, are asking to raise their prices. This could add almost $30 to what people already pay … Read more

The Ongoing Debate Over Fluoridated Water: Health Booster or Hazard?

The Ongoing Debate Over Fluoridated Water: Health Booster or Hazard?

Fluoride once hailed as a breakthrough in dental health, has become a contentious issue in communities across the United States. Initially introduced as a standard additive to municipal water sources in the 1940s for its cavity-preventing properties, fluoride’s efficacy and safety have been called into question in recent years. Communities Concerned about Fluoride Risks While … Read more