Davidson News

Oregon on the Brink of a Financial Revolution: The Truth About Universal Basic Income

Oregon Gets Ready to Vote on Revolutionary Universal Basic Income What is UBI and How Could it Affect Your Life? Accoridng to TheSuns, Oregon is getting ready to vote on a big idea. This idea is called Universal Basic Income, or UBI for short. UBI means that every person in Oregon would get some money … Read more

Universal Basic Income Programs Gain Momentum in U.S. Despite Republican Resistance

Universal Basic Income Programs Gain Momentum in U.S. Despite Republican Resistance

In a trend sparked by the pandemic, Universal Basic Income (UBI) programs have been on the rise across various cities in the United States. These initiatives, aimed at providing direct cash payments to citizens, have been lauded by experts for their effectiveness in combating poverty. However, they have faced staunch opposition from Republican lawmakers, threatening … Read more