Davidson News

U.S. Park Police Officer Injured in Traffic Stop Fleeing Incident

U.S. Park Police Officer Injured in Traffic Stop Fleeing Incident

A U.S. Park Police officer sustained injuries after a driver fled a traffic stop near the National Mall on Wednesday, prompting a swift response from law enforcement authorities. The incident unfolded when the officer attempted to stop a vehicle, resulting in a chaotic sequence of events that left the officer injured and in need of … Read more

Crash: Driver Pleads Not Guilty to Vehicular Manslaughter in LA Sheriff’s Recruits Incident

Los Angeles, California – January 28, 2024: Nicholas Gutierrez, the 23-year-old driver involved in a deadly crash that claimed the life of one Los Angeles County sheriff’s recruit and injured two dozen others, has pleaded not guilty to vehicular manslaughter. The plea comes as Gutierrez faces an 11-count grand jury indictment, including charges of severely … Read more