Davidson News

Universal Basic Income Programs Gain Momentum in U.S. Despite Republican Resistance

Universal Basic Income Programs Gain Momentum in U.S. Despite Republican Resistance

In a trend sparked by the pandemic, Universal Basic Income (UBI) programs have been on the rise across various cities in the United States. These initiatives, aimed at providing direct cash payments to citizens, have been lauded by experts for their effectiveness in combating poverty. However, they have faced staunch opposition from Republican lawmakers, threatening … Read more

New York Child Poverty Advocates Call for Increase in State Tax Credit

New York Child Poverty Advocates Call for Increase in State Tax Credit

Child advocacy groups in New York, led by the Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy, are urging state leaders to take action against the alarming rates of child poverty. With cities like Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo ranking among the top 10 in the nation for child poverty rates, the need for intervention is dire. The … Read more

$5200 Social Security Stimulus Checks to Aid Vulnerable Groups

In a bid to alleviate the financial strain caused by the ongoing pandemic, the Federal Government has announced a significant relief package targeting vulnerable segments of society. Under the scheme, eligible beneficiaries, including survivors, retirees, and disabled individuals, will receive a one-time payment of $5200 as part of the Social Security Stimulus Checks program, combined … Read more