Davidson News

Davidson News

Bill Gates Confident in Next-Generation Nuclear Power Project’s Future

Bill Gates Confident in Next-Generation Nuclear Power Project's Future

Microsoft founder Bill Gates expressed confidence on Sunday that his next-generation nuclear power project will move forward regardless of the political landscape in Washington. Gates emphasized the bipartisan support for nuclear power, citing its benefits beyond climate concerns. Gates and his energy company, TerraPower, recently commenced a groundbreaking project in Kemmerer, Wyoming. This innovative nuclear … Read more

Palisades Nuclear Plant Set to Resume Operations, Spearheading Michigan’s Clean Energy Agenda

Palisades Nuclear Plant Set to Resume Operations, Spearheading Michigan's Clean Energy Agenda

In a significant milestone for Michigan’s clean energy initiatives, the Palisades nuclear facility is poised to become the first shuttered nuclear plant in the nation to resume energy generation. The announcement, made on Wednesday, revealed that federal funding will support the reopening of the Palisades plant, marking a crucial step towards the state’s goal of … Read more