Davidson News

Davidson News

Earth Had Its Warmest July On Record: Announced In A Joint Briefing by NOAA And The NASA

The planet Earth had its warmest July on record.  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) stated the world experienced the warmest July on record and likely the warmest month in 174 years of record-keeping. July was extremely hot, even for one of the seasons with the highest … Read more

Tropical Storm Nicole Yield A Unique Meteorological Phenomenon Known As Sprite Lighting In Puerto Rico

A “Sprite Lightning” was spotted during Tropical Storm Nicole in Puerto Rico. This week, Tropical Storm Nicole already made landfall on the Florida shore. Sprite lighting, a rare meteorological occurrence, was however created by this storm before it was made ashore.  Some of the clouds from Tropical Storm Nicole‘s path this week extended as far … Read more