Davidson News

Davidson News

Louisiana Senate Passes Bill to Classify Abortion Drugs as Controlled Substances

Louisiana Senate Passes Bill to Classify Abortion Drugs as Controlled Substances

The Louisiana Senate passed a bill Thursday that would classify the drugs used in medication abortions as controlled substances, criminalizing possession of the drugs without a prescription. The bill, which previously passed the House, now awaits Republican Gov. Jeff Landry’s signature. This legislation marks Louisiana as the first state to categorize misoprostol and mifepristone as … Read more

Study Confirms Safety and Efficacy of Telemedicine Abortion in the United States

Amidst a landscape of increasing restrictions on abortion access in the United States, a groundbreaking study has reaffirmed the safety and effectiveness of telemedicine abortion, offering a lifeline to women facing limited options. As access to abortion continues to face challenges, this study provides crucial evidence supporting the expansion of telemedicine services for reproductive healthcare. … Read more

Retracted Studies Prompt Questions on Medication Abortion Safety

Several studies used in a legal case regarding medication abortion safety have been retracted due to conflicts of interest and unreliable findings, leading to controversy. The studies, published in the journal “Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology,” were funded and produced by the Charlotte Lozier Institute, associated with Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. Sage, the … Read more