Davidson News

Davidson News

Iowa Legislature Bans Funding for “Guaranteed Income” Programs Without Work Requirements

Iowa Legislature Bans Funding for "Guaranteed Income" Programs Without Work Requirements

In a recent development, the Iowa Legislature has passed a bill that could significantly impact guaranteed income programs within the state. The legislation, known as House File 2319, awaits the signature of Governor Kim Reynolds and aims to restrict funding for such initiatives unless they incorporate work requirements. The bill directly affects programs like UpLift … Read more

Preservation Battle: Des Moines Contemplates Removal of Land Art

Des Moines finds itself at the center of a contentious debate as plans to dismantle the iconic Greenwood Pond: Double Site art installation spark outrage among residents and art enthusiasts alike. The decision, driven by the Des Moines Art Center’s budgetary concerns, has ignited fervent opposition, leaving the fate of the cherished artwork hanging in … Read more

Iowa Students Rally Against Gun Violence, Plead for Action in Wake of Tragedy

In the wake of a devastating school shooting that claimed the life of an 11-year-old and left five others wounded, students across Iowa are gearing up for a collective walkout and demonstration at the state capitol. The tragic incident unfolded last week when a 17-year-old high school student opened fire, reigniting the urgent call for … Read more