Davidson News

Davidson News

The Truth About Tanning and Sunscreen: A Summer Essential

The Truth About Tanning and Sunscreen: A Summer Essential

With summer in full swing, many people across the Northern Hemisphere are flocking to beaches and pools to enjoy the sun. While achieving a “sun-kissed” tan might be on many summer bucket lists, health experts are emphasizing the importance of not forgoing sunscreen in the quest for a quick tan. The Risks of Tanning “Tanned … Read more

Sunscreen Options in America are Limited. Here’s Why.

Sunscreen Options in America are Limited. Here's Why.

As summer approaches, many of us are ready to enjoy the sunshine, but have you checked if your sunscreen is up to the task? Why Are Sunscreen Options Limited in the U.S.? Surprisingly, due to a nearly century-old U.S. law, your sunscreen options might not be as effective as those available worldwide. The 1938 U.S. … Read more