Davidson News

Colorado Lawmakers Approve $1 Billion in Tax Breaks, Threatening TABOR Refunds

Colorado Lawmakers Approve $1 Billion in Tax Breaks, Threatening TABOR Refunds

In a significant move, Colorado legislators have greenlit $1 billion in new tax breaks during the latest session, potentially halting refunds under the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR). The slew of 26 new tax credits targets specific groups, ranging from parents and elderly homeowners to freight rail operators and filmmakers. This shift redirects funds away … Read more

Tennessee House Reduces Franchise Tax Refund to $813.5M

Tennessee House Reduces Franchise Tax Refund to $813.5M

The Tennessee House of Representatives has made significant amendments to a bill aimed at repealing and refunding the state’s franchise tax, resulting in a reduced refund amount of $813.5 million. House Bill 1893, which introduces key changes to the refund process, mandates the disclosure of companies benefiting from the refund on the website of Tennessee’s … Read more

Kentucky Lawmaker Proposes One-Time Cash Payments for Educators

In a bid to address financial challenges facing educators across Kentucky, State Representative Chris Fugate, a Republican from Chavies, has introduced House Bill 694. The bill aims to provide one-time cash payments to teachers, administrators, and classified employees over the next two fiscal years. Under the proposed legislation, all teachers and administrators would receive a … Read more