Davidson News

Davidson News

St. Louis Tops List: Most Violent City in America

St. Louis Tops List: Most Violent City in America

St. Louis, Missouri, has gained notoriety once again, claiming the unenviable title of the most violent city in the United States. With a staggering 2,082 incidents of violent crime per 100,000 people, the city surpasses all others in terms of per capita violence. Recent data from the FBI’s 2018 Crime in the United States Report … Read more

Colorado’s hundreds of criminal cases could be overturned due to the DNA issues

Colorado’s DNA Test Issues: Legal Implications and Accountability That Could Create Criminal Cases Systemic Impact and Ongoing Investigations Over the past few decades, substantial doubts have been raised concerning the integrity of DNA testing procedures in relation to the disclosures involving Yvonne “Missy” Woods, a former DNA scientist with the FBI. The internal investigation’s conclusions … Read more

Former Mobster Terry Jon Martin Reveals Motive Behind Judy Garland’s Ruby Slipper Heist: ‘One Last Score’

Minnesota, January 24, 2024 – The man who pleaded guilty to stealing the iconic ruby slippers worn by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz, Terry Jon Martin, has disclosed the motive behind the daring 2005 heist. Martin, described as an “aging reformed mobster,” explained that an unidentified former mob associate persuaded him to commit … Read more

Former FBI Counterintelligence Chief Gets Over Four Years in Prison for Illicit Ties with Russian Oligarch

Charles McGonigal Sentenced for Conspiracy, Money Laundering Involving Wealthy Russian Linked to Putin In a significant development, Charles McGonigal, the ex-head of counterintelligence for the FBI’s New York field office, has been sentenced to just over four years in prison for his involvement with a sanctioned Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, following his departure from government … Read more