Davidson News

Davidson News

Nevada Woman Faces Financial Crisis with $26,000 Credit Card Debt: Money Guru Urges Urgent Action

In a recent episode of a popular YouTube personal finance show, Caleb Hammer confronted a financial crisis faced by a 33-year-old Navy veteran named Christa, currently working as a stripper in Las Vegas, Nevada. Christa revealed that she was struggling with a staggering $28,453 credit card debt, with monthly interest payments soaring to $399. Her … Read more

US Consumer Credit Card Debt Shot Up by $1 Trillion, Records a New Milestone

The amount of US consumer credit card debt has surpassed $1 trillion for the first time. The overall US consumer credit card debt is at its highest level over $1.03 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s quarterly report on household debt and credit, which was released on Tuesday. The US consumer … Read more