Davidson News

Colorado Lawmakers Strike Deal on Property Tax Bill, Promising Significant Savings

Colorado Lawmakers Strike Deal on Property Tax Bill, Promising Significant Savings

In a bipartisan effort, Colorado lawmakers have come to an agreement on a property tax bill just days before the end of the legislative session. The bill, hailed as a compromise between leading Republicans and Democrats, aims to provide relief to property owners while ensuring sustainable funding for essential services. Republican state Sen. Barb Kirkmeyer … Read more

Pennsylvania Senator Leads Bipartisan Effort to Safeguard SNAP Program from Cyber Fraud

U.S. Senator John Fetterman from Pennsylvania spearheads a bipartisan initiative aimed at fortifying the security measures surrounding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards. The proposed legislation, titled the Enhanced Cybersecurity for SNAP Act, addresses the prevalent issue of criminals exploiting vulnerabilities in the system to pilfer essential food assistance meant … Read more