Davidson News

Davidson News

FDA Alert: Contaminated Eye Drops from Dr. Berne’s and LightEyez Brands Pose Health Risk

These contaminated eye drops contain methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), a natural organosulfur compound often utilized in complementary and alternative medicine and now associated with contaminated products. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning regarding the acquisition or utilization of contaminated eye drops from the brands Dr. Berne’s and LightEyez, owing to potential microbial … Read more

A Healthier World: Revolutionizing Obesity Treatment from Stigma to Solution

Obesity’s connection to severe health issues like diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and cancer underscores the public health challenges of this crisis—a critical step toward achieving a healthier world. The global issue of obesity is escalating, impacting nearly 1 billion people classified as obese according to BMI standards in 2020, all while striving for a healthier world. … Read more

Well Being of Seniors: How Home Temperature Impacts Sleep

This matter is of particular concern when considering the well being of seniors, as they frequently grapple with sleep-related issues. Getting fewer than seven hours of sleep each night raises the likelihood of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and mental distress, negatively impacting the well being of seniors. According to an article … Read more

Tragic Loss: First West Nile Virus Fatality of the Year Strikes Boulder County Resident

Statewide, Colorado has experienced a tragic loss of three lives among the 66 cases of WNV reported as of August 22, with 38 individuals needing hospitalization. A tragic loss has occurred as a Boulder County resident succumbs to West Nile virus-induced meningoencephalitis, representing the first human fatality from the virus in the county this year. … Read more

Early Onset Cancers on the Rise: Study Illuminates Alarming Surge Among Youth

Trailing closely behind was endocrine system cancer, showing an unsettling increase of 8.69%. Among the findings, a particularly striking revelation emerged; early onset gastrointestinal cancer, a distressing facet of the broader early-onset cancer category, displayed an astonishing growth rate of 14.80%. According to an article published by Fox News, a study published in JAMA Network … Read more

Coral Snake Florida Surgery Reveals Invasive Parasites: Exposing Threat to Native Snakes

Rarely found in North America, these worms, identified as pentatomic family members, were confirmed by the Orianne Center for Indigo Conservation at Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens. A venomous coral snake in Florida had surgery by a local surgeon and three parasitic worms were found in its lungs, impacting the state’s snake population.   … Read more