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Web of Controversy: County Candidate Marisa Simonetti’s Spooky Altercation with Housemate Raises Concerns About Her Leadership

County Board Candidate Marisa Simonetti Arrested for Assault and Harassment

Candidate’s Campaign in Jeopardy: Marisa Simonetti Faces Charges for Altercation with Housemate

According to TrueCrimeNews, Marisa Simonetti, a woman running for county government, got into trouble. She was charged with two serious crimes: hitting someone and being mean. It happened because of a big argument with her housemate, Jackie Vasquez.

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Web of Controversy: County Candidate Marisa Simonetti’s Spooky Altercation with Housemate Raises Concerns About Her Leadership (PHOTO: GOOGLE)

Candidate’s Campaign in Crisis: Marisa Simonetti’s Domestic Dispute Raises Questions About Her Fitness for Office

The argument started because Vasquez said their house had spiders. Simonetti got angry and did some weird things. She blasted loud music, threw things downstairs, and screamed at Vasquez. Then, she brought in a big spider and threw it at Vasquez. Simonetti said she didn’t touch Vasquez, but it was still very scary. Now Simonetti has to answer to the police and the public about what she did. It’s not clear how this will affect her chances of winning the election.

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