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Ex-jailer Charged In Joshua Zimmerman’s Escape

Ex-jailer Matthew Rogers has been arrested in connection with the recent escape of convict Joshua Zimmerman from the Metropolitan Detention Center in San Diego. Rogers, who worked at the facility for more than ten years, is charged with several counts connected with Zimmerman’s escape.

Details Of The Escape

Joshua Zimmerman, an armed robbery convict and a 20-year prisoner, escaped from the San Diego Metropolitan Detention Center on August 15, 2024. Zimmerman, who was first under heavy guard, took advantage of what police call severe violations of the security measures in the building.

He was seen during the roll call but was found to be missing several hours later, which led to an instant search.

Charges Against Matthew Rogers

Matthew Rogers has been accused of being complicit in an escape, and multiple counts of misconduct in office. The San Diego County District Attorney’s office stated that Rogers is alleged to have brought contraband to Zimmerman and to have allowed him to access areas of the facility that were off-limits.

The indictment also accuses Rogers of not doing his job well enough, thus enabling Zimmerman to carry out his escape plan. 

Investigation Findings

An investigation that was carried out by the San Diego Sheriff’s Department revealed that there were several lapses in security at the Metropolitan Detention Center. The investigation revealed that Rogers was an accomplice in the smuggling of contraband that included items that assisted Zimmerman in his escape.

The study also uncovered systematic problems with the security management in the facility thus warranting a review of the system. 

Current Status Of Joshua Zimmerman

To this date, August 27, 2024, Zimmerman is still on the loose, and the police have not captured him despite a massive manhunt by local, state, and federal forces. Police have declared Zimmerman a fugitive have put out an alert across the country and are offering a bounty for his arrest.

Zimmerman is dangerous and the authorities have warned the public to be on the lookout for him. 

Legal Proceedings

Matthew Rogers is to be arraigned for a preliminary hearing on September 5, 2024. If Rogers is convicted then he is likely to face a lot of time in prison and fines. The case has received a lot of attention, especially concerning the issue of security in correctional facilities. 

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