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New York Governor Hochul Announces Enhanced Child Tax Credit

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has unveiled an expansion of the Empire State Child Credit, providing substantial financial support to over a million low-income families in the state. This announcement was made during a press conference held on Tuesday, highlighting a significant boost in financial assistance for eligible families.

New York Governor Hochul Announces Enhanced Child Tax Credit
New York Governor Hochul Announces Enhanced Child Tax Credit

Expanded Child Tax Credit Details

Governor Hochul’s initiative introduces a one-time supplemental payment, enhancing the existing Empire State Child Credit for income-qualified New Yorkers with children. This refundable tax credit, which was initially introduced as part of New York’s tax benefits, will now be supplemented with additional payments for 2023. Families who received at least $100 from the Empire State Child Credit on their 2023 tax return will automatically receive this additional payment, starting in the first week of August.

Hochul emphasized the scale of the assistance, stating, “One million New York families with children will be receiving a check in the mail by the end of August.” This expansion reflects a significant commitment by the state to alleviate financial burdens on low-income households.

Payment Distribution and Amounts

The Governor’s office detailed that the total amount of direct payments to low-income households with children in New York will reach $350 million. The new payments will vary in amount, ranging from 25% to 100% of the child tax credit that these families received for the 2023 tax year. This variability in payment amounts depends on the credit amount previously received and aims to provide more substantial support to those in greater need.

Families do not need to take any additional steps to receive this one-time payment; it will be automatically issued to those who meet the eligibility criteria. The streamlined process is designed to ensure that the financial assistance reaches the intended recipients efficiently and without additional administrative burden.

Eligibility Changes and Impact

The eligibility criteria for the Empire State Child Credit have been broadened as part of this announcement. Previously, the credit applied to children aged 4 and older. However, the eligibility has now been expanded to include children of any age for the 2023 tax year. This adjustment will cover an additional 600,000 children, extending the benefit to a larger segment of the state’s population.

These changes were made during state budget negotiations and reflect a deliberate effort to increase the reach and impact of the child tax credit. By including younger children and broadening the eligibility criteria, the state aims to provide more comprehensive support to families facing financial challenges.

Background and Rationale

Governor Hochul’s announcement comes as part of New York’s broader effort to support low-income families and address economic disparities. The Empire State Child Credit was initially introduced to provide financial relief to families and help offset the costs associated with raising children. The supplemental payments announced by Hochul are designed to further enhance this support and provide additional relief in light of ongoing economic pressures.

The expansion of the credit and the inclusion of a broader age range for eligibility demonstrate the state’s commitment to addressing the needs of its most vulnerable populations. The adjustments to the credit are expected to have a significant positive impact on the lives of many families across New York.

Community and Economic Impact

The enhanced child tax credit is anticipated to provide much-needed financial relief to numerous households, potentially improving their overall economic stability. For many families, these additional funds will help cover essential expenses such as food, housing, and childcare, thereby easing financial stress.

The state’s initiative also reflects a recognition of the economic challenges faced by low-income families and the importance of targeted financial support. By increasing the amount of the credit and broadening its eligibility, New York aims to support families more effectively and contribute to their financial well-being.


Governor Kathy Hochul’s announcement of the expanded Empire State Child Credit marks a significant step in providing additional financial support to low-income families in New York. With a total of $350 million in direct payments and an expanded eligibility range, the initiative is set to benefit over a million families. This move underscores the state’s commitment to addressing economic disparities and supporting its residents through targeted financial assistance.

The automatic issuance of these payments and the broadening of eligibility criteria demonstrate a thoughtful approach to enhancing the impact of the child tax credit. As families begin to receive these supplemental payments, the state’s efforts to provide relief and support will likely be felt across communities throughout New York.

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