Davidson News

Men accused of robbing a 60-year-old escape after prosecutors failed to request that the judge detain the men in custody

Prosecutors chose not to urge a court to detain 2 men in custody until trial, so they were ordered to go home with midnight curfews after they were accused of assaulting and stealing a 60-year-old man in Uptown the previous week.

Shortly after the July 17 robbery, two 16-year-old boys and 19-year-old Omareon Coleman and Samuel Gaines were taken into custody, according to the police.

According to a Chicago Police Department report, the accused victim alerted the cops at 9 p.m. to report that he had just jumped, assaulted, and stolen $25 in a passageway below the 4400 block of North Malden.

The trio, according to the prosecution, assaulted and kicked the victim in his head and chest before stealing his money. Based on the CPD, the young people also eliminated the man at gunpoint.

He complained of headache and back pain, so EMS brought him to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center for evaluation.

After the victim recognized Gaines, Coleman, and the juveniles as the attackers, the police discovered “multiple” individuals in the street and took them into custody.

Robbery, aggravated assault in a public area, and attempted battery of an individual over 60 are the charges against Coleman and Gaines. Authorities did not request that Judge Caroline Glennon-Goodman hold them, according to court documents.

The judge ordered them to return home and to spend the evening in the house.

The public cannot review the juvenile cases. The boys are accused of taking money with a weapon, according to the cops.

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