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$500 Monthly Stimulus Checks in 2024: Eligibility & Payment Dates

Many states in the USA have introduced $500 stimulus checks to support eligible citizens recovering from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. These initiatives aim to improve living standards by providing financial relief and managing inflation rates.

$500 Monthly Stimulus Checks in 2024: Eligibility & Payment Dates
$500 Monthly Stimulus Checks in 2024: Eligibility & Payment Dates

$500 Monthly Stimulus Checks 2024 Overview

Residents across the United States are benefiting from various programs launched by state authorities. The $500 stimulus checks, also known as economic impact payments, provide immediate financial relief to residents. These payments help manage expenses, pay bills and taxes, and invest in future savings.

States Offering $500 Stimulus Checks

Several states, including Alaska, California, Michigan, New York, Texas, and Washington, have implemented $500 stimulus check programs for eligible residents.


The Alaska Permanent Fund, managed by the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, provides an annual payout to its residents. Established in 1976, the fund is constitutionally backed and funded by the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System and other state-specific revenue streams. In 2023, the payout was $1,312, with applications for the 2023 Permanent Fund Dividend still open until the end of the year. Residents with a status of “Eligible-Not Paid” as of July 10, 2024, will receive their payment on July 18, 2024, continuing through December or until all eligible residents have applied.


California, known for its high cost of living, has implemented a support program for residents. In July 2024, 150 residents will receive $500 monthly payments for 12 months through a Guaranteed Income program starting on July 15. A similar initiative is underway in Pomona, with more programs expected to launch, providing financial relief to families burdened by high living expenses.


In Ann Arbor, Michigan, the University of Michigan’s Poverty Solutions team operates a Guaranteed Income initiative, issuing $528 stimulus checks in July to about 100 entrepreneurs. This study focuses on small business owners, aiming to evaluate the impact on this demographic.

New York

Rochester, New York, residents have been selected for a guaranteed income program, continuing to receive $500 stimulus checks in July. This program is extended for 12 months, providing essential financial support.


The Uplifts Harris Program in Texas supports 2,000 eligible families through July 2024. Each selected family member receives $500 stimulus checks for 18 months, providing substantial financial assistance.


Tacoma, Washington, residents part of the Growth Resilience in Tacoma (GRIT) project benefit from $500 stimulus checks. These payments are distributed to eligible residents’ bank accounts in July 2024, offering crucial support.

Eligibility Criteria and Application Process

Eligibility criteria for the $500 stimulus checks vary by state. Generally, residents must demonstrate financial need or meet specific income thresholds. Applications are typically submitted online through state government websites, where residents can check their eligibility status and payment dates.


The $500 monthly stimulus checks in 2024 provide essential financial support to residents across various states, helping manage living expenses and invest in future savings. Each state has its eligibility criteria and application process, ensuring that those most in need receive the assistance. These programs reflect the ongoing efforts to support citizens in recovering from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and managing inflation rates.

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