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Davidson News

Social Security update: In four days, $4,873 in second-round July benefits will be distributed

In four days, retirees will receive their second wave of July Social Security benefits, which can total up to $4,873 for the highest-earning individuals who retire at age 70. Recipients born between July 11 and July 20 will receive their second round of benefits on July 17.

Generally speaking, Social Security benefits start on the second Wednesday of every month and go to the next rounds of beneficiaries on the third and fourth Wednesdays. The day of the month that a retiree is born is the day that they receive their salary.

On July 10, a Wednesday, retirees who were born between the first and tenth of the month got their benefits. The recipients of the final wave of payments are those born on July 24.

The age at which a person decides to retire determines how much money they will get in a check. The lowest retirement age of 62 years old lets you receive a monthly benefit of up to $2,710. The Social Security Administration states that receiving up to $4,873 a month can be obtained by postponing retirement until age 70.

The age at which beneficiaries start receiving Social Security payments determines how much they get. The largest monthly benefit, up to $4,873, is given to retirees at age 70. Retirees at full retirement age of 67 earn $3,822, while those at age 62 get $2,710.

Direct deposit or the SSA’s Direct Express® card are used to make payments; paper checks are not being sent by the administration. The cash funds are available for recipients to access early on the day of payment. Recipients can visit their My SSA account or get in touch with the SSA directly for more information on controlling and organizing payments.

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