Davidson News

Justice Served: Richard Thornton Sentenced to 100 Years for Horrific McDonald’s Attack

Richard Thornton Sentenced to 100 Years in Prison for Violent Crime

McDonald’s Customer Left with Serious Injuries after Brutal Attack

A bad man named Richard Thornton did something very wrong at a McDonald‘s in West Virginia. He hurt a customer, Anthony Woods, really badly. This happened on January 17, 2023, when Woods went to the bathroom and Thornton followed him. Thornton took Woods’ wallet and hurt him on his face and neck. Woods went to the hospital and survived.

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Justice Served: Richard Thornton Sentenced to 100 Years for Horrific McDonald’s Attack (PHOTO: GOGLE)

West Virginia Man Sentenced to 100 Years in Prison for Violent Crime

Thornton was arrested and said he was sorry for what he did. He was given a big sentence of 100 years in prison by a judge. This is not the first time Thornton got in trouble with the law. He had tried to hurt someone else in 2019 when he was using drugs. Now, he will spend a long time in prison for what he did to Woods at the McDonald’s.

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