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Carnival Ride Malfunction Injures Six During Fourth of July Celebration in Washington

A malfunctioning carnival ride at the Independence Day Carnival in Oak Harbor, Washington, left six people injured during a Fourth of July celebration, officials reported. The incident occurred when a spinning swing attraction tipped over, causing “minor injuries” to the riders. The City of Oak Harbor promptly closed the carnival Wednesday night following the accident.

Carnival Ride Malfunction Injures Six During Fourth of July Celebration in Washington
Source: Scripps News

Incident Details and Immediate Response

The carnival ride malfunctioned and tipped over, injuring six individuals who were on board at the time. Firefighters and paramedics were quick to respond, treating all injured parties on-site. The city swiftly decided to close the carnival for the night to ensure the safety of all attendees.

Photos circulating on social media depicted the ride lying on its side on the grass, sparking concern among the community. Alex Bennett, a carnival-goer whose son was on the ride when it tipped, shared her experience: “My priority was to get him out safely, and then I assisted others who were injured or stuck in their seats.” Bennett expressed relief, noting that the situation could have been much worse.

Community Reactions and Safety Concerns

The incident drew a strong reaction on social media, with many expressing concern for the safety of carnival rides, especially those involving children. One Facebook commenter remarked, “This happened on a fairly tame ride. Imagine if the Zipper were to malfunction like this,” referring to a more intense ride known for its flips and spins.

Police Chief Tony Slowik reassured the public with a statement emphasizing the city’s commitment to safety: “Our priority is to thoroughly investigate this incident and take all necessary measures to maintain the highest safety standards.” The city is determined to understand the cause of the malfunction and prevent future occurrences.

City’s Safety Measures and Future Plans

By Thursday morning, the City of Oak Harbor announced on Facebook that all mechanical carnival rides would be closed for the remainder of the holiday weekend. However, non-mechanical rides, carnival games, and other festivities such as the Independence Day parade, vendor booths, entertainment, beer garden, and the Whidbey Wags Pet Parade would continue as planned. Mayor Ronnie Wright emphasized the city’s dedication to safety: “Ensuring the safety of our residents and visitors is our top priority. After careful deliberation and consultation with law enforcement and city officials, it was clear that this was the best course of action to protect our community.”

Carnival Ride Malfunction Injures Six During Fourth of July Celebration in Washington
Source: KATU

The Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce, which organizes the carnival, is collaborating with city officials to investigate the incident and implement necessary safety measures for future events. The Chamber of Commerce is expected to release a statement updating the public on the investigation’s progress in the coming days.

The quick response and proactive measures taken by the city and emergency services highlight the community’s commitment to safety and well-being. Despite the unfortunate incident, the community remains united in celebrating the holiday weekend with the ongoing events, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

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