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Biden Campaign Raises $27 Million After First Debate

The Biden campaign has raised $27 million from the day of the first presidential debate through Friday evening, according to a campaign spokesperson. This significant sum comes as President Joe Biden’s team strives to keep up with former President Donald Trump’s recent fundraising surge. In May, the Biden campaign, the Democratic National Convention, and associated Biden PACs and committees collectively raised $85 million, falling short of Trump’s $141 million, despite Trump facing 34 felony charges during that period.

Biden Campaign Raises $27 Million After First Debate
Source: Business Standard

Rallying Support and Addressing Concerns

The post-debate fundraising push is crucial for Biden as he aims to reassure donors of his capability to secure a Democratic victory in November. Following a lackluster performance in Thursday’s debate against Trump, Biden embarked on a vigorous campaign trail to restore confidence. On Friday, he addressed supporters in Raleigh, North Carolina, speaking with renewed energy and acknowledging his debate missteps. “Folks, I don’t walk as easily as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth,” Biden asserted.

From North Carolina, Biden traveled to New York to deliver remarks at the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center in celebration of Pride Month. He continued his efforts with several campaign receptions that evening. On Saturday, Biden was scheduled for additional campaign events in New York and New Jersey, expected to further boost the $27 million fundraising total.

Democratic Response and Future Plans

The Biden campaign has not disclosed how much of the recent $27 million came from grassroots online donors versus higher-dollar contributors. Nonetheless, the campaign’s immediate priority is damage control following Biden’s debate performance. Prominent Biden supporters, including former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, have addressed the debate blunders, urging voters to look beyond them.

Despite efforts to mitigate the impact, some Democratic strategists have suggested Biden consider withdrawing from the race and transferring his delegates to a new candidate. However, Biden remains steadfast, with another debate against Trump scheduled for September 10, presenting an opportunity for redemption and to quell concerns about his age and ability to serve a second term.

Looking Ahead

The Biden campaign’s ability to raise substantial funds post-debate demonstrates a resilient base of support. However, maintaining momentum and addressing voter concerns will be pivotal as the campaign progresses. The upcoming debate will be a critical moment for Biden to reinforce his candidacy and solidify confidence among undecided voters and wary supporters.

Biden Campaign Raises $27 Million After First Debate
Source: The Indian Express

While the $27 million fundraising achievement is noteworthy, Biden’s campaign faces the ongoing challenge of ensuring that this financial backing translates into electoral success. The campaign’s strategic moves in the coming weeks will be crucial in determining Biden’s viability as the Democratic nominee in the upcoming election.

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