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Raw Garlic Hack Goes Viral on TikTok: How True is That?

In recent months, TikTok has been buzzing with videos of people eating raw garlic cloves to clear their acne. These videos have gone viral, often featuring individuals grimacing as they swallow whole garlic cloves or consume them by the spoonful. However, dermatologists caution that while garlic has health benefits, its effectiveness in treating acne is questionable.

Raw Garlic Hack Goes Viral on TikTok: How True is That?
Source: IndiaToday

Dermatologists Weigh In

According to Dr. Brooke Jeffy, a dermatologist, little scientific evidence supports the notion that garlic can cure acne. “I guess it can’t hurt you, other than giving you some really bad breath,” she says. “But I think there are a lot more tried-and-true ways to treat acne and some good nutritional dietary things that you can do that are rooted in science that do not apply to this garlic trend.”

Dr. Anthony Rossi, another dermatologist, speculates that the mythical reputation of garlic might contribute to its perceived acne-fighting properties. “While garlic is good for you, and I think it has a lot of health benefits, I don’t know if it’s clearing up these people’s acne or there’s a compounding factor − like they’re eating so much garlic, but, because of that, they’re drinking tons of water,” he explains.

While garlic may not be the miracle cure for acne, its antioxidant properties can be beneficial for overall skin health. Dr. Rossi suggests that antioxidants can also be found in fruits, vegetables, and certain kinds of dark chocolate. Additionally, Dr. Jeffy recommends avoiding dairy and processed foods to help manage acne.

The Role of Diet in Skin Health

The connection between diet and skin health is complex and continues to be a subject of research. While diet is not the sole factor affecting skin conditions, dermatologists emphasize the importance of considering overall health and lifestyle, including dietary habits, when addressing skin issues.

Some people break out in acne from certain foods, like dairy or chocolate. For individuals who have not found success with traditional acne treatments, examining their diet might reveal potential triggers. “It’s not always the easiest to figure out if your diet is contributing to your acne, because it’s a hard thing,” Dr. Rossi says. “But, if you have bad inflammatory acne or bad cystic acne and you’ve been going to your dermatologist and you’ve been trying things and it’s still not working, then it’s also time to look at your diet as well.”

The Health Benefits of Garlic

Despite its dubious reputation as an acne treatment, garlic remains a nutritious addition to your diet. Ilisa Nussbaum, a registered dietitian nutritionist at Yale Children’s Hospital, highlights garlic’s health benefits, attributing them to its organic sulfur compounds. These compounds are responsible for garlic’s strong odor and are packed with antioxidants that protect cells from damage.

Raw Garlic Hack Goes Viral on TikTok: How True is That?
Source: Yahoo Movies UK


Nussbaum notes that garlic may benefit metabolism and support the health of tendons and ligaments. While it may not cure acne, incorporating garlic into your diet can contribute to overall well-being. While eating raw garlic is unlikely to be a cure for acne, it does offer numerous health benefits. For those struggling with acne, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist and consider a holistic approach to diet and skincare.

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