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Illinois Budget Battle: Tax Hikes and Controversy Over Funding for Non-Citizens and Education

Illinois Senate Approves Budget with $870 Million in Tax Increases

Budget Aims to Reduce Poverty and Improve Healthcare with Funding for Non-Citizens and Education Initiatives

According to Stateline, The Illinois Senate voted on Governor JB Pritzker’s budget for the next year. The budget includes a plan to raise $870 million more in taxes. This money will come from things like sports betting and higher taxes on certain industries.

The budget also includes funding for programs that help people who are not citizens and programs to reduce poverty and improve healthcare. The budget also includes a plan to pay off medical debt for low-income people, and a tax credit of $700 for each child under the age of 12. The budget also includes more money for education, including more preschool seats and higher wages for childcare workers.

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Illinois Budget Battle: Tax Hikes and Controversy Over Funding for Non-Citizens and Education (PHOTO: GOOGLE)

Illinois Budget Sparks Controversy: Republicans Oppose Plan, Calling it ‘Reckless’ and ‘Out of Touch

All Republicans in the Senate voted against the budget, saying it prioritizes noncitizens and spends too much money without helping taxpayers. Senator Andrew Chesney said, “This budget is reckless and doesn’t reflect the values of our state.” The House will vote on the budget again soon, and it’s likely to face opposition from Republicans there too.

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