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Davidson News

Rhode Island Lawmakers Propose Tax Credit for Family Caregivers

In a bid to alleviate financial burdens on those caring for elderly or disabled family members, legislators in Rhode Island’s East Bay area have introduced a new tax credit proposal. Sen. Linda L. Ujifusa and Rep. Susan R. Donovan have collaborated on legislation aimed at offering relief to family caregivers facing significant monetary expenses.

Rhode Island Lawmakers Propose Tax Credit for Family Caregivers
Rhode Island Lawmakers Propose Tax Credit for Family Caregivers

The proposed legislation, as detailed in a press release from the sponsors, outlines a plan to provide eligible Rhode Islanders with an income tax credit equivalent to 50% of the eligible costs incurred, capped at $1,000. The primary objective of the tax credit is to support families providing essential care to their loved ones in need.

Representative Donovan, who chairs the House Health and Human Services Committee, emphasized the financial strain that caregivers often endure. She expressed hope that this tax break would ease the financial burdens on families, enabling them to continue providing crucial care.

Senator Ujifusa highlighted the broader community benefits stemming from family caregivers’ contributions. By enabling their loved ones to remain at home rather than in more expensive institutional settings, caregivers not only support their family members but also free up housing within communities. The proposed tax credit serves as a modest recognition of their sacrifices and aims to provide tangible support to these caregivers and their families.

To qualify for the tax credit, families must have an annual adjusted gross income of less than $50,000 for individuals or $100,000 for couples filing jointly. Additionally, the family member in need of care must be 65 years or older or eligible for Social Security disability benefits, and they must reside with the caregiver for at least six months of the year.

The Senior Agenda Coalition has voiced its support for the legislation, further underscoring the importance of acknowledging and assisting family caregivers in their vital role within the community.

This initiative reflects a concerted effort by East Bay lawmakers to address the financial challenges faced by family caregivers and underscores the value of their selfless contributions to society.

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