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Los Angeles County Probation Officer Arrested for Sexual Misconduct with Juvenile in Custody

In a shocking development, a Los Angeles County probation officer has been arrested on charges of engaging in sexual activity with a juvenile under custody. The incident, which has cast another shadow on the troubled Los Angeles County Probation Department, involves serious allegations including sex with an inmate, bringing contraband into a jail, and unauthorized possession of a cellphone in a secured area.

Los Angeles County Probation Officer Arrested for Sexual Misconduct with Juvenile in Custody
Los Angeles County Probation Officer Arrested for Sexual Misconduct with Juvenile in Custody

The accused female officer, whose identity remains undisclosed, faces charges related to arranging a meeting with the minor for lewd purposes, along with the aforementioned offenses. The case was brought to light by the Probation Department’s Juvenile Safety and Welfare Task Force, established to combat the influx of drugs and contraband within juvenile facilities.

According to the department’s statement, investigators stumbled upon the illicit relationship while examining a phone confiscated from a youth at the Dorothy Kirby Center in Commerce. This facility, known for housing adjudicated youth with mental health issues, became the backdrop for the alarming discovery.

Communications retrieved from the phone pointed to interactions between the detained youth and the probation officer, some of which were allegedly of a sexual nature. Further investigation led to the recovery of a cellphone and a prescription pill container containing various drugs in the possession of the officer.

This arrest marks the inaugural publicized action by the Juvenile Safety and Welfare Task Force, which was formed in response to escalating concerns over drug trafficking within the juvenile justice system. The incident exacerbates the challenges faced by the Probation Department, already under scrutiny for substandard operations and lapses in security within its facilities.

The department’s leadership has been tasked with addressing the systemic issues within its facilities to prevent further incidents of misconduct and ensure the safety and well-being of detained youth. However, with looming threats of closure for non-compliant facilities and a history of lawsuits alleging sexual abuse, the road to reform appears daunting.

County officials have called for a thorough investigation into the matter and emphasized the need for a zero-tolerance policy against any form of abuse perpetrated by staff members. As the investigation unfolds, questions surrounding the department’s security protocols and employee screening processes persist, demanding immediate attention and remedial action.

This arrest underscores the urgency for comprehensive reforms within the Los Angeles County Probation Department to restore public trust and safeguard the rights of vulnerable youth under its care.

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