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Iowa Lawmakers Propose House Study Bill 731: Boosting Eco-Friendly Vehicle Adoption!

Iowa Lawmakers Mull Discounts for Electric Cars Amid Growing Popularity

Proposed House Study Bill 731 Offers Significant Savings on New and Used Electric Vehicles

According to the Ascent, As more people are choosing electric cars, Iowa lawmakers are thinking about a new law House Study Bill 731 to give discounts on these vehicles. The proposed House Study Bill 731 suggests giving big discounts on both new and used electric cars to encourage more people to buy them. This House Study Bill 731 idea comes after a previous program had some problems including mistakes with credits and legal issues costing a lot of money.

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Iowa Lawmakers Propose House Study Bill 731: Boosting Eco-Friendly Vehicle Adoption! (PHOTO: Iowa Capital Dispatch)

Simplified Process for Availing Electric Car Discounts Proposed

To get discounts, follow a simple process: First, choose an electric car from FuelEconomy.gov. Then, check if your income meets IRS limits. If eligible, buy from a dealership; they’ll assist with discounts. Despite past issues, a new House Study Bill 731 aims to simplify and encourage more eco-friendly car purchases, benefiting both the environment and buyers.

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