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Governor Evers Boosts Child Care Aid, Vetoes Other Tax Credits in Wisconsin

In a move aimed at bolstering support for working families, Governor Tony Evers of Wisconsin has signed a bill to increase aid to families utilizing child care services in the state. The governor’s decision comes amidst a series of vetoes on GOP-backed tax credit bills, signaling a focus on prioritizing child care assistance over other tax relief measures.

Governor Evers Boosts Child Care Aid, Vetoes Other Tax Credits in Wisconsin
Governor Evers Boosts Child Care Aid, Vetoes Other Tax Credits in Wisconsin

Under the newly signed bill, Wisconsin’s child care tax credit will expand significantly, with the credit now covering 100% of claimants’ federal child care tax credit, up from the previous 50%. Additionally, the maximum eligible expenses under the state credit will rise from $3,000 to $10,000 for one child, and families with two or more children can now claim up to $20,000, representing an increase of over $10,000.

Governor Evers, speaking at an Oshkosh daycare facility where he visited shortly after signing the bill, emphasized the importance of supporting both families and child care operators. He highlighted the critical role child care plays in the state’s economy and reiterated his commitment to ensuring assistance is available for working families.

However, the governor’s support for child care aid was coupled with the rejection of three other tax credit bills proposed by Republicans. These bills aimed to expand Wisconsin’s second income tax bracket, increase the marriage credit, and raise income exemptions for retirees.

Governor Evers cited concerns about potential federal repayment and the significant financial implications of the proposed tax breaks. Despite Republican criticism regarding the rejection of these tax credit bills, Evers remains firm in his decision, stating that the focus should be on allocating funds to critical areas such as childcare and education.

Republicans, while pleased with the child care tax credit, express concerns about the message sent by the vetoed tax credits to Wisconsinites. They emphasize the importance of retaining the state’s workforce and pledge to continue efforts to secure tax relief for middle-class families, retirees, and married couples.

While the debate over tax credits continues, Governor Evers remains confident that his actions will benefit Wisconsin families. However, Republicans assert that more needs to be done to ensure that Wisconsinites receive the tax relief they deserve.

Overall, Governor Evers’ decision to prioritize child care aid underscores the importance of supporting working families in Wisconsin, even as debates over tax policy persist.

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