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Davidson News

St. Paul, MN: Person Wounded in Green Line Light Rail Stabbing

A person was injured in a stabbing incident aboard a westbound Green Line light-rail train in St. Paul on Saturday night. The victim, whose injuries were fortunately not deemed serious, received treatment following the attack. Authorities swiftly arrested a suspect, with charges currently pending, according to Metro Transit officials.

 St. Paul, MN: Person Wounded in Green Line Light Rail Stabbing
St. Paul, MN: Person Wounded in Green Line Light Rail Stabbing

The incident took place near the intersection of University and Cromwell avenues, prompting a temporary delay in service as law enforcement responded to the scene. The exact circumstances surrounding the stabbing remain under investigation.

This unsettling event occurs amidst ongoing efforts by Metro Transit to enhance safety measures across its light-rail network. Initiatives include bolstering police presence and deploying additional transit agents, tasked with fare enforcement and passenger assistance.

The urgency to address safety concerns arises as reported crimes on Metro trains and buses surged by 32% in 2023 compared to the previous year. With public safety at the forefront, authorities are committed to ensuring the well-being of commuters and maintaining secure transit environments.

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