Davidson News

Northampton County Aids for Seniors with Property Tax Rebate Forms

 Free Help Available in March for Pennsylvania Property Tax/Rent Rebate (PTRR) Applications

Northampton County Aids Seniors with Property Tax Rebate Forms. (PHOTO: NewsBreak)

Northampton County Residents Encouraged to Apply for PTRR with Ease

According to 69 NEWS To help older residents in Northampton apply for the Pennsylvania Property Tax/Rent Rebate(PTRR), free assistance will be available at four locations in March. The rebates are for people who are 65 and older, widows and widowers aged 50 and older and those 18 and over with disabilities. The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue website has clear guidelines to check if you qualify. The Northampton County Area Agency on Aging and the Department of Revenue are working together to offer support for free to residents who want to apply for the PTRR program.

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Northampton County Residents Eligible for Increased Property Tax/Rent Rebates of up to $1,000

Residents in Northampton County can now qualify for increased property tax/rent rebates of up to $1,000 with a maximum annual income limit of $45,000. This expansion opens the door for approximately 3,700 more eligible older residents. The application deadline is June 30 potentially extending to December 31 if additional funds become available. The collaborative effort between the Northampton County Area Agency on Aging and the Department of Revenue provides crucial assistance at easily accessible locations in March supporting older individuals and those with disabilities in navigating the application process. The program’s increased income limits and flexible deadline underscore a commitment to meeting the financial needs of the community’s older residents.

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