Davidson News

Missouri Teacher Charged with Attempted Murder for Allegedly Poisoning Husband with Deadly Plant

A 37-year-old Missouri teacher, Sarah Scheffer, has been charged with attempted murder after her husband reported suspicions of poisoning. The husband, alleging intentional poisoning over six weeks installed a hidden camera capturing Scheffer adding a toxic plant, Lily of the Valley, to his smoothie. The plant, known for its poisonous nature, contains substances that affect the heart. Scheffer admitted to the act, expressing intent to harm. She is currently held without bond, with concerns of flight to Pakistan. Scheffer, a design and art teacher at Calvary Lutheran High School, has been placed on leave.

Photo from 6 ABC

Husband’s Allegations and Investigation

The victim reported odd tastes in food and beverages leading to extreme fatigue, prompting a police investigation.

Scheffer allegedly confessed to urinating and adding industrial adhesive to a beverage, but later denied any tampering.

A surveillance camera captured Scheffer incorporating the poisonous Lily of the Valley root into her husband’s smoothie.

Legal Consequences and School Response

Scheffer faces charges of attempted murder and armed criminal action, with the smoothie sent for testing.

Scheffer, currently held in Cole County Jail, expressed flight risk, citing connections to Pakistan.

Calvary Lutheran High School, where Scheffer taught, placed her on leave after being informed of the criminal matter, emphasizing the incident did not involve students.

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