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Memphis Couple Faces Terrifying Carjacking in Midst of Winter Blast: Crime Costs Prompt Consideration of Relocation

In a chilling incident amidst the freezing temperatures, a Memphis couple fell victim to a carjacking at an Exxon Hop-In gas station on Winchester Road. The traumatizing event unfolded as the couple, bundled up against the winter blast, made a stop for water.

Memphis Couple Faces Terrifying Carjacking in Midst of Winter Blast: Crime Costs Prompt Consideration of Relocation
Memphis Couple Faces Terrifying Carjacking in Midst of Winter Blast: Crime Costs Prompt Consideration of Relocation

LaMeka Washington, recounting the harrowing experience, described how her husband had momentarily stepped away from their running 2008 Dodge Ram to check on their son at the gas pump. Within moments, a man brandishing a gun approached Washington, demanding she exit the vehicle.

“He said, ‘B**** get the f*** out the car,’ and he grabbed [the gun] to show me so I could see it. I don’t know what kind it was, it was black. So I said, ‘okay,’ I opened up the door and I got out the car,” shared Washington.

The suspect swiftly seized the opportunity, jumping into the truck and speeding away down Riverdale Road, leaving the couple in shock. Despite attempts to review gas station footage, Washington was denied access.

The incident, detailed in a Memphis police report, has left the victims shaken and contemplating a move. Washington expressed her concern over the proximity of the crime to her residence, emphasizing that it was just minutes away. The decision to relocate stems from the perceived safety threat, especially considering her spouse’s frequent visits to the store.

“Around 5:24 p.m., that put the icing on the cake for me. I have to go, this happened within minutes from where I live, that’s not to mention my spouse visits the store every day, literally,” said Washington.

Memphis police have confirmed that the case is currently under investigation. This carjacking incident follows another reported case earlier in the month in the same area, highlighting an alarming trend that authorities are actively addressing.

As the victims grapple with the aftermath, the rising concerns about crime in the region prompt a reevaluation of personal safety, forcing residents to contemplate drastic measures like relocation to ensure their well-being in the face of escalating criminal activities.

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