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Davidson News

Porn Industry’s Role in Fueling Sex Trafficking and Child Exploitation, Rescue Experts Warn

In a shocking revelation, rescue experts are warning that the pornography industry is playing a significant role in fueling the demand for human sex trafficking, and, disturbingly, it’s contributing to an increase in the demand for children as victims.

Operation Underground Railroad and Fight To End Exploitation, two organizations dedicated to helping victims of abuse, have shed light on the disturbing connection between the porn industry and the trafficking of vulnerable individuals.

Matt Osborne, President and COO of Operation Underground Railroad, emphasized that there’s no such thing as “innocent” or “harmless” pornography. He pointed out that consumers can never be certain if the content they view involves consenting adults or minors, potentially victimized against their will.

Rachel Harrison, advocacy coordinator of Fight To End Exploitation, explained how abuse videos often end up on pornography websites, revealing the dark interconnection between pornography and sex trafficking. She stated that traffickers use this as a business model to generate substantial profits, making them exploit people not only in person but also by creating pornographic content with trafficked individuals.

The rise in pornography use has also driven an alarming increase in the demand for child exploitation. Osborne noted that while there have always been individuals preying on children, the addiction to pornography and the oversexualization of society have contributed to a concerning uptick in the exploitation of minors.

Individuals battling poverty, homelessness, drug addiction, and those with a history of abuse are most at risk of being targeted by human traffickers. Harrison emphasized that human trafficking is not an isolated issue but intersects with numerous societal problems, including drug addiction, homelessness, housing crises, and mental health challenges.

Post-rescue, the healing journey for victims varies, but organizations like Fight To End Exploitation work to provide comprehensive support. They connect survivors with specialized programs, mental health services, housing, food, baby supplies, and ongoing assistance to help them rebuild their lives.

Victims require extensive help and support, especially if they have experienced prior trauma or addiction. The focus is not just on rescuing individuals from trafficking situations but also on their long-term healing and recovery.

This alarming revelation sheds light on the need for continued efforts to combat human trafficking and child exploitation while also addressing the harmful impact of the pornography industry on vulnerable individuals.

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