Health advocates applaud the New York cigarette tax increase, anticipating reduced smoking rates and fewer cancer deaths, while anti-tax groups worry about a surge in illicit cigarette trade.

The New York cigarette tax has seen a fresh dollar hike, catapulting it to the nation’s highest at $5.35, while adding an extra $1.50 for smokers in New York City.
According to an article published by Olean Times Herald, New York has imposed a new dollar increase in its New York cigarette tax, making it the highest in the nation at $5.35, with an additional $1.50 tax for New York City smokers.
This is the first state tax hike since 2010. While health advocates celebrate the move, believing it will reduce smoking rates and cancer-related deaths, anti-tax groups express concerns about a potential surge in the illicit New York cigarette tax trade.
Studies by organizations like the American Lung Association suggest that a 10 percent increase in tobacco prices could result in a 4 percent drop in tobacco use, potentially prompting 44,000 New Yorkers to quit and preventing 14,400 youngsters under 18 from starting smoking.
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However, the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a fiscally conservative group, estimates an 11 percent increase in New York cigarette tax smuggling due to the higher tax.
According to an article published by Times Union, despite the New York cigarette tax increase being a step in the right direction, anti-tobacco activists argue that more needs to be done, particularly in taxing vaping products, which have gained popularity among young people as an alternative to traditional New York cigarette tax.
The American Lung Association advocates for tax parity for all New York cigarette tax products, including vaping. In summary, New York has raised its New York cigarette tax to $5.35, the highest in the country, with an additional New York cigarette tax for New York City.
This move has garnered support from health advocates who believe it will reduce smoking rates and cancer-related deaths but has also raised concerns about increased New York cigarette tax smuggling. Additionally, activists are calling for higher taxes on vaping products to address the growing use of these products, especially among youth.