Michael Cera in Arrested Development series shared his experience in an interview.

In a recent interview, Michael Cera in Arrested Development TV series reminisced his experience on this show and mentioned how thrilled he was to work with the actor, David Cross.
Michael Cera in Arrested Development revealed that he was a great Mr. Show fan even before he went in for the audition in a GQ interview about his career.
As a result, Michael Cera in Arrested Development was thrilled when the show started to include plotlines that featured the two of them conversing frequently.
Because he grew up watching Mr. Show, he genuinely adored and admired David before ever getting to meet or work with him. When he learned that David might show up in the pilot, he became very delighted, Michael Cera in Arrested Development series stated.
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Actor, Michael Cera in Arrested Development series also admitted that he was beyond thrilled to discover that they began developing those side plots that involved him and David Cross containing in-person scenes in tandem.
Then they started creating sequences with David and me; at one point in one of the earlier seasons, he sort of becomes my roommate, and we share a bunk bed, Michael Cera in Arrested Development said.
Those moments were always so much fun to film, but it was incredibly difficult for me to maintain composure, Michael Cera in Arrested Development added.