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Reliant Energy Saving Tips: Appliance Switching

The big change is brought to you by these reliant energy saving tips at your homes.

Reliant Energy Saving Tips: Appliance Switching (Photo: iStock)

At the core of every home are household appliances. A change in an appliance in your home could reduce your energy costs by about $70 annually. Which appliances, though, are the most reliant on energy saving?

According to Energy Star, upgrading your old air conditioner with a new, efficient one could save your annual energy costs by about $70, making it one of the reliant energy saving tips.

Appliances with the Energy Star certification consume roughly 10% less energy than standard appliances which is one of the reliant energy saving tips, making them a more cost-effective solution for houses without central air.

This is due to the certainty that air conditioners bearing the Energy Star badge employ advanced variable speed technology to quietly and efficiently manage the temperature.

By choosing a device that can be accessed via a phone or laptop, Energy Star, which offers reliant energy saving tips also encourages homeowners and renters to “stay connected”.

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An average home spends $1,900 a year on amenities, over half of which goes towards heating and cooling.

Energy Star certified room air conditioners with linked capability, according to the government website, provide further comfort, convenience, and reductions in energy consumption by allowing you to turn the unit off by using your phone or computer, as well as arrange changes to settings based on the needs you have, making it as one of the reliant energy saving tips at home.

Enegy Star also suggests another reliant energy saving tips about picking a unit that is appropriate for the size of the space.

There are numerous reliant energy saving tips to reduce your expenses this summer.  You can save as much as $38 a month by using a simple switch on your ceiling fans, for instance with this reliant energy saving tips.

Your fan’s movement will now be either clockwise or counterclockwise depending on which way this switch is turned. As it turns out that spreading cold air in the summer is more effective when done in a counterclockwise orientation.

If you use a thermostat along with your fan, making this step can result in significant savings.

You may simulate a temperature of 76 degrees in your home without using additional electricity from your air conditioner by keeping your ceiling fans spinning counterclockwise and by following these reliant energy saving tips.

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