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NYPD Lieutenant Is Arrested for Sexually Assaulting a Civilian Employee in the Department

A married NYPD lieutenant was charged and arrested after a civilian employee in the department accused him of sexual assault.

Married NYPD lieutenant
Married NYPD lieutenant was charged and arrested for sexual assault. (Photo: Yahoo)

NYPD Lieutenant Was Charged and Arrested

A married lieutenant identified as Lt. Wilder Lucas was charged and arrested after a civilian employee in the department filed a complaint for sexual assault. It was found during the investigation that the NYPD Lieutenant forced Ammy Ventura, the civilian employee, into a threesome.

In a published article in FOX News, the NYPD Lieutenant was indicted on Tuesday and Ventura said that Lucas became abusive when their relationship soured. The spokesperson of the department also told the news outlet Lucas is now suspended without pay.

Ventura’s Lawyer Released a Statement

According to a published article in New York Post, Ventura’s lawyer, John Scola, said that he has never seen a sexual assault like this. He said, “Based on the egregiousness of the allegations, the DA just took the ball. And now he could be charged up to 25 years.”

Scola also revealed that the married NYPD Lieutenant assaulted his client and that his client was scared to death and he was going to kill her.

Scola said, “No woman should be subjected to sexual violence in the workplace. When these situations do arise, it is important that victims can come forward and know these complaints will be listened to and taken seriously.” Furthermore, Scola’s lawyer did not give any comments about when asked about the case.


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