Davidson News

At An ATM, A Man Shoots And Kills Two Robbers

Texas police reported that two persons were shot and died during an alleged attempted robbery at a drive-thru ATM. Image by Eduardo Soares from UnSplash According to Texas authorities, two persons were slain during an alleged attempt to rob a bank.

What Happened?

On July 7, a guy in San Antonio attempted to use a drive-through ATM to withdraw money when he was confronted by two people, according to a press conference held by police chief William McManus and shared on Facebook by the police department.

The man pulled out a firearm and shot both of them because he thought they were trying to rob him, according to McManus. Near the ATM, in the parking lot, they passed away. There is no ongoing risk to anyone.

According to McManus, the three people were all thought to be in their 20s. Mark Brooks III and Terrance Stevens were later named as the deceased by the medical examiner, according to KENS 5. If they had been armed at the time of the alleged attempted robbery, McManus did not mention it.

Who Is The Suspect?

Source: ABC news

Police are reportedly interviewing the man who is suspected of shooting the two males, according to McManus, who also stated that the event is being treated as a jugging. According to the Austin Police Department, juggling is a sort of theft in which offenders follow victims to banks or ATMs.

The suspect then “approaches, makes threats of violence, or assaults the victim while demanding the money or threatening to take the cash bag.” As the victim leaves the bank or ATM, the crime typically occurs, according to the authorities.

A representative for the San Antonio Police Department told McClatchy News on July 10 that “the shooting case is still open and under investigation.”

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