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Americans Prioritize Forgiving Medical Debt Over Student Loans, Poll Finds

Americans Favor Forgiving Medical Debt Over Student Loans, Poll Shows

Poll: Majority of Americans Support Federal Forgiveness of Medical Debt

A recent poll conducted by the University of Chicago Harris and Associated Press-NORC reveals that a majority of Americans prioritize forgiving medical debt over other types of debt relief measures, according to the published article of Miami Herald. According to the survey 51% of U.S. adults consider it very or extremely important for the federal government to forgive medical debt. This sentiment is particularly strong among Democrats with 65% in favor followed by 57% of independents and 31% of Republicans. In contrast forgiveness for student loan debt garnered less overall support with only 39% of respondents viewing it as very or extremely important. Support for student debt forgiveness varied significantly across political affiliations with 58% of Democrats 44% of independents and 15% of Republicans expressing strong support. The survey also highlighted lesser enthusiasm for forgiving small business loan and credit card debt with 22% and 17% of respondents respectively deeming such forgiveness very or extremely important.

The poll underscored varying attitudes toward student loan forgiveness depending on circumstances. A majority 54% favored forgiveness if borrowers were misled or defrauded by their educational institutions. Additionally, nearly half supported forgiveness after two decades of timely payments and 44% favored it when the borrower’s interest surpassed the initial loan amount. Interestingly current student loan debtors were more likely to support forgiveness compared to those who had already paid off their loans illustrating personal experience influencing perspectives on policy. This survey comes amidst ongoing discussions and policy proposals regarding debt relief including President Joe Biden’s recent initiatives aimed at expanding eligibility for student loan repayment suspensions based on income thresholds. The findings highlight divergent public opinions on debt forgiveness policies and suggest a nuanced landscape for future legislative considerations.

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Survey Finds Strong Public Support for Forgiving Medical Debt Compared to Student Loans

Furthermore, the survey revealed significant disparities in support for debt forgiveness based on personal financial experiences and political leanings. Among respondents currently repaying student loans 54% favored forgiveness whereas only 31% of those who had already paid off their loans expressed similar support. This contrast underscores how direct personal exposure to debt influences attitudes towards broader policy measures. The poll also reflected skepticism towards forgiving small business and credit card debt with only modest support across all political groups. Just 22% viewed forgiveness of small business loans as very or extremely important and even fewer 17% felt the same about credit card debt forgiveness. These figures indicate a lower prioritization of relief for these types of financial obligations compared to medical and student loan debts.

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